[EBB Sightings] dawn chorus at Jewel Lakes

[EBB Sightings] dawn chorus at Jewel Lakes

Phila Rogers
Sun May 04 12:39:53 PDT 2008
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    Dear Birders:
    While most of you, wiser and warmer, were still in your beds, Joe Eaton
    and I were waiting dawn's first light just outside the locked gate at
    the Jewel Lake parking lot.  Mindful of the sighting last week of a
    female mountain lion and cub on the dirt road north of Jewel Lake, I
    stared into the silence and started at a weird sound coming the
    eucalyptus grove.  We both decided it was those pesky, rubbing branches
    The first singer of the day was a junco, trilling out his call to
    arise.  A Song Sparrow followed with a shortened song from the berry
    patch.  Then the "perp, perp" from a robin which must have been the
    avian equivalent of "Let the chorus begin."  The challenge then was to
    sort out one call from another -- multiple Black-headed Grosbeaks and
    after a warm-up of "whets" the beautiful ascending song of the
    Swainson's Thrush.  Only singer expected, but not heard, was the
    Western Wood Pewee.  At the end of the lake, in the eucalyptus, we
    heard loud calls that mixed in with turkey "gobbles" on the ground.  We
    then spotted  another turkey still on its roost.
    Seeing a glow of orange light penetrating the heavy fog high on the
    hill, we drove to Inspiration Point and found the sun.  Taking the
    EBMUD trail north on the grassy-slope that tilts east, we spotted and
    heard a Lazuli Bunting and listened to -- without finding -- the
    repeated calls of an Ash-throated Flycatcher which further confirms
    that the east side of the San Pablo Ridge has more in common with the
    drier, inland areas of the coast range.
    The best treat of all was hearing a group of California Quail and
    seeing a handsome male cross the road.
    And how often is one's birding day complete at 7:00 am? 
    Phila Rogers
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