[EBB Sightings] Sunol Birds May 3, 2008

[EBB Sightings] Sunol Birds May 3, 2008

Alan Kaplan
Sat May 03 22:34:33 PDT 2008
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    Friends: Norm Kidder, Jan Southworth-Kidder and I (Alan Kaplan) had a nice 
    view of: Red-shouldered Hawk on the nest near the bridge at the HQ area of 
    Sunol; good looks at a pair of Cassin's Vireos in the oaks before said 
    bridge; stunning view and seranade of and by a Bullock's Oriole in the 
    Sycamores at the bridge; and a concert and long looks at House Wren just 
    behind the headquarters bldg. Check out the bee nest box mounted on the 
    northeast corner of the bldg (near the rear entrance)- it had three occupied 
    cells today. Acorn Woodpeckers are continuing to fill the building walls 
    with acorns they will never be able to retrieve- they've been doing this 
    since before 1977 when I arrived as a very new naturalist at Sunol. Jan 
    remarked on the absence of Yellow-billed Magpies; Norm, the former Sunol 
    supervisor, attributed their absence to Starlings and Ravens.
    Also saw House Finch female gathering nesting material.
    Sunol was full of sun and song today!
    Best of birds to you all,
    Alan Kaplan 

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