[EBB Sightings] fledge season

[EBB Sightings] fledge season

debbie viess
Wed May 21 10:33:16 PDT 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Common Poorwill, Mines Rd.
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Grasshopper Sparrows; Garin Park, Hayward

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    Lotsa nervous parents yesterday at Huckleberry
    Preserve. A male Wilson's warbler not only showed
    himself to me, but scolded and hopped ever closer, all
    the while cocking a beady eye and spreading and
    fluttering his wings. "Hello! Here I am! Look over
    here!" Gotta be some warbler kids around nearby.
    A male Hairy Woodpecker also attempted to draw my eye
    and ear with his loud and showy displays, playing
    woodpecker peekaboo with me from behind his sheltering
    oak. Begging calls from his young hidden above me in
    the treetops told me why.
    A pair of Band-tail pigeons were quite active
    yesterday, flying back and forth overhead. All very
    Meanwhile, the female golden eagle perched proudly
    atop the Com towers, her beautifully worn mantle
    feathers shiny gold. As I glassed her from across the
    canyon, she turned her head to stare back at me, well
    within the purvue of her eagle eye. She certainly
    wasn't deigning to pay atention to the tiny kestrel,
    swooping back and forth far beneath her lofty perch;
    perhaps the kestrel was feeling a bit nervous, too.
    Debbie Viess 

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