[EBB Sightings] Black-headed Grosbeaks and Phenology at Tilden Nature Area

[EBB Sightings] Black-headed Grosbeaks and Phenology at Tilden Nature Area

Alan Kaplan
Thu Mar 20 21:54:31 PDT 2008
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    Friends: Phenology is the correlation of animal and plant world events. The 
    famous example is the late sportswriter Red Barber saying, "The watermelon 
    is ripe when the crepe myrtle blooms."
    Working at the Tilden Nature Area, I noticed that  "The Black-headed 
    Grosbeaks return when the box-elder blooms." Box-elders are the maples (Acer 
    negundo) that line the Boardwalk to Jewel Lake (there are a few near the 
    entrance to the Nature Area as well). I have not been up there recently (it 
    is March 20 as I write- Happy Spring!) but will be curious to see if in this 
    new age of "climate change" the phenologic clue still holds- look for the 
    box-elder blooming (male and female trees are separate) and then listen for 
    that Black-headed Grosbeak song (or the reverse, hear the song and look for 
    the flowers).
    Best of birds to you! (and thanks for the notice of the Oakland Bird Club 
    meeting last night- a great program on the Breeding Bird Atlas of Santa 
    Clara County).
    Alan Kaplan 

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