[EBB Sightings] Red-necked grebe off Lucretia Edwards park

[EBB Sightings] Red-necked grebe off Lucretia Edwards park

Mon Mar 31 11:30:36 PDT 2008
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    We saw what we believe to be a Red-necked grebe west of Lucretia Edwards park, inside the breakwater created by the rocky rip-rap. This is the same area in which Dave Quady and others have reported sighting the Red-necked loon.
    The bird was far-off and we didn't have a scope, so it would be nice if someone else saw it and could confirm this. Fortunately, a Western grebe was nearby and we had it for side-by-side comparison. Our bird was a darker overall and a little shorter than the Western. But it behaved just like its cousin-- diving and swimming and surfacing with the same frequency. We wouldn't confuse this bird with a loon, even at the great distance.
    Anyone see a Red-necked grebe in this area?
    Nick Despota and Nel Benningshof
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