[EBB Sightings] a yellow bird day

[EBB Sightings] a yellow bird day

Phila Rogers
Wed Mar 26 19:35:30 PDT 2008
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    Dear Birders:
    This must have been a yellow bird day as I saw my FOS male Hooded
    Oriole at the UC Botanical garden late this afternoon .  The oriole
    arrival had been reported several days earlier but this was my first
    viewing of the gorgeous yellow-orange bird with its black face and
    black and white wings.
    Over the weekend, a Yellow-rumped Warbler sang in my live oak and a
    Hermit Thrush was trying out its summer song soto-voice in the garden. 
    Both birds appear to be now gone along with the Ruby-crowned Kinglets
    which were a cheerful presence during the winter months.
    Phila Rogers
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