[EBB Sightings] Richmond loon and scoter continue

[EBB Sightings] Richmond loon and scoter continue

Dave Quady
Wed Mar 26 13:25:45 PDT 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Marina Bay Black Scoter
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    Shortly after 11 am today, the Red-throated Loon swam unconcernedly  
    through the entrance to Richmond Marina Bay, hard by the rip-rap that  
    edges Lucretia M. Edwards Shoreline Park.  And the drake Black Scoter  
    continued inside the bay, foraging with Surf Scoters in its northwest  
    Later I looked for the Surfbirds in Pinole, at the location Laura  
    Look described in her message yesterday.  The tide was low, with tens  
    of yards of mudflats exposed beyond the rocky shoreline.  These  
    mudflats attracted the usual mix of Marbled Godwits, Black-bellied  
    Plovers, Willets, and Dunlins, but the rocks held no Surfbirds or  
    other rock habitues.
    Thanks to folks who've posted updates on the Richmond birds, and to  
    Laura for publicizing a nice spot that I hadn't birded before.
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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