[EBB Sightings] Pileated WP, Redwood Reg. Park ALA

[EBB Sightings] Pileated WP, Redwood Reg. Park ALA

Alan Howe
Mon Feb 11 23:07:50 PST 2008
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      I was up at the location noted by Bob from 3:30-4:45
    and may have heard a Pileated in the distance to the
    west (across the road and down the hill. It was faint
    and I only heard it once or twice, so I really can't
    say if it was the bird in question.
      It was pretty quiet up by Sequoia Bowl and down the
    Graham trail a ways--and I heard more than I saw;
    chickadees, Steller's jays, robins, bushtits and a
    probably red-tail.
      So I'll have to just envy my mother in the Seattle
    area who reported to me last night about a pair of
    Pileateds in sight of her kitchen, as well as a
    possible Barred or Spotted owl nest on her property.
    (Yeah--I know, out of range. Sorry)
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
    --- Bob Power  wrote:
    > Hi all:
    > I had a calling Pileated Woodpecker just inside the
    > Alameda Co. line this afternoon from 4:00 to 4:30.
    > The woodpecker was calling as I exited my car at the
    > trailhead parking area on the opposite side of the
    > road from the Seq. Parking area. This is just south
    > of
    > the entrance to the Chabot Observatory on Skyline
    > Blvd.
    > I've uploaded a GoogleEarth map of the location
    > where
    > the bird was calling from:
    > http://www.flickr.com/photos/14935921 at N00/
    > Despite some cross-country scrambling, I never saw
    > the
    > Woodpecker.  I walked into the clearing just
    > southwest
    > of its location, hoping to get a view, but it
    > remained
    > hidden.  The woodpecker called clearly three times,
    > approximately every 5 minutes as I tried to locate
    > it.
    >  I responded with my best approximation of a
    > Pileated
    > call, to no avail (no surprise). After 15 minutes,
    > the
    > bird stopped calling.
    > There is a clearing, visible on the map, just 50
    > yards
    > south of the parking lot, 3 or more snags in this
    > area
    > show considerable Pileated drilling. The snag where
    > I
    > believe the bird was calling from is directly behind
    > and southeast of a series of camp cabins set in a
    > semi-circle, 100 yards south of the parking area. 
    > There were two trees in this area that looked like
    > they'd had recent Pileated activity.
    > Good birding,
    > Bob Power
    > Oakland, CA
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