[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and San Leandro Marina (2/3)

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and San Leandro Marina (2/3)

Bob Richmond
Sun Feb 03 19:23:51 PST 2008
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    Today at the shoreline -
    Snow Goose - 1 on the Radio Tower Hills.
    Cackling Goose - 160 on the Radio Tower Hills. This included the one with the neck collar (16J). Peter had estimated 200 at 8 am, by noon none were present, but by 4 pm 160 were present.
    Eurasian Wigeon - male in Ora Loma Marsh.
    White-winged Scoter - 3 at San Leandro Marina.
    Lesser Yellowlegs - 1 in Ora Loma Marsh.
    Whimbrel - 1 in Ora Loma Marsh.
    Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow - 1 in Cogswell Marsh. When you get to the marsh, there is a sign for Cogswell Marsh (with Dr. Cogswell's picture on it). The bird was first seen from the trail 20-25 yards past this sign. It then flew close to where the trail goes into the marsh. It then dissapeared. It was seen during high tide (made higher by the storm and wind).
    Lapland Longspur - 1 in the usual spot. I usually see is 1/2 to 3/4 of the way from Winton Ave. to the bay along a paved trail that is along a channel. This channel goes under Winton Ave. before you enter the EBRPD parking area.
    Good birding

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