[EBB Sightings] East Contra Costa and Martinez birds - 13 Jan 2008

[EBB Sightings] East Contra Costa and Martinez birds - 13 Jan 2008

Denise Wight
Sun Jan 13 16:28:29 PST 2008
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    Hi E.B. Birders
    Here are some sightings from East Contra Costa and
    Martinez/Carquinez Shoreline :  
    Cackling Goose - 75 flying east over Dutch Slough and
    Jersey Island Road at 7:30 am.
    Tundra Swan - about 2,000 were in flight, east of the
    Contra Costa Co. line, but 244 flew over me as I
    viewed them from Clifton Court Forebay.  A bit later
    20 came by, low over the forebay, about 100 yards out.
    Snow Goose/Ross's Goose - Also seen from Clifton Court
    Forebay.  A mixed flock of geese flew directly over my
    head, containing about 150 Snow Geese and at least 7
    Ross's Geese. About 100 Greater White-fronted Geese
    were also in this flock.
    Yellow-billed Magpies - 2 in the tall trees near
    Knightsen Elementary School on Delta Road. 
    Burrowing Owls - 2  near the first cattle guard along
    Holey Road, south of the Byron Airport. 
    Ferruginous Hawk - Also along Holey Road, see one in
    the field just northeast of the home on the hill.
    (Thanks to Homer and Judy Keesler for directing me to
    this hawk.)
    Osprey - one came into Clifton Court Forebay. 
    In Martinez, 24  Barrow's Goldeneyes were way down the
    shoreline to the west, by the dock near the lone
    eucalyptus.  This was about a mile walk from the end
    of the road at Carquinez Regional Shoreline on the
    Martinez side. As Kirk Swenson pointed out, this much
    farther west than I had seen them past years.   There
    was also an adult male Hooded Merganser in this area. 
    All the Best Birding,
    Denise Wight
    Moraga, Ca
    P. S. I'm currently at 161 species seen for the 2008
    Contra Costa Big Year. 

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