[EBB Sightings] ABY

[EBB Sightings] ABY

Steve Huckabone
Sat Jan 12 20:05:35 PST 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Eurasian Wigeons on Bay Trail
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    Got a very late start this morning but still managed to get some nice
    birding in. The weather was nice along the bay but no joy on the Tropical
    Kingbird at the previously described location. I did find the Lapland
    Longspur, Snow and Ross's geese. While I was admiring the Longspur a couple
    Tree Swallows nosily flew by, a Whimbrel was near the west end of the
    channel. Otherwise saw most of the expected shorebirds. I did find a
    Orange-crowned Warbler in the flowering trees along the entrance road. Ran
    into Kathy Robertson and we birded San Leandro Marina  and picked through
    the gulls and scaup. At the San Leandro point after about 20 minutes the
    male White-winged Scoter flew in and provided close-up views, also Kathy
    spotted a Brown Pelican. On to Arrowhead where we heard Clapper Rail, then
    to Garretson Point where we found a male Eurasian Wigeon. Kathy and I parted
    company and I went to Coyote Point for some speed birding getting Virginia
    Rail, Black-crowned Night Heron and Moorhen. Total ABY 139. Good birding.
    Snow Goose
    Ross's Goose
    Eurasian Wigeon
    Northern Pintail
    Surf Scoter
    White-winged Scoter
    Clark's Grebe
    Brown Pelican
    Black-crowned Night-Heron
    Clapper Rail
    Virginia Rail
    Common Moorhen
    Black-bellied Plover
    Black-necked Stilt
    American Avocet
    Marbled Godwit
    Ruddy Turnstone
    Black Turnstone
    Red Knot
    Mew Gull
    Western Gull
    Glaucous-winged Gull
    Horned Lark
    Tree Swallow
    American Pipit
    Orange-crowned Warbler
    Lapland Longspur
    Steve Huckabone
    Alameda County
    Livermore California

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