[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline - Don Edwards

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline - Don Edwards

Rich Ferrick
Wed Jan 02 09:39:24 PST 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Stilt sandpiper?? at Hayward shoreline
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    Hello EBB,
    I am participating in the Big Green Big Year (BIGBY) this year. See link below and if you are interested please join in. There were 22 birders signed up in California as of earlier today.
    Decided that the first bicycle chase of the year would be to the Hayward Shoreline for the kingbird, longspur and geese. I arrived at the end of W. Winton Ave at about 8AM. The Lapland Longspur was in the Horned Lark flock north of the flood control channel on the upslope at the intersection with the SF Bay Trail at 8:10AM. A Surfbird and three Ruddy Turnstones were at Haywards Landing on the rocks amongst the Willets.
    The Tropical Kingbird made an appearance at about 10AM where the flood control channel turns south beyond the park office building. On the hills above the parking lot, there was a Greater White-fronted Goose and three Cackling Geese amongst the Canada Geese.  Didn't find any white geese.
    I then headed through Cogswell Marsh toward the Hayward Interpretive Center at Hwy 92. A Say's Phoebe was seen just before arriving at the center and there was Lesser Yellowlegs with a Greater in the channel that parallels Breakwater as I headed east from the center.
    In Don Edwards NWR, heading along the fish pier access road toward the bike path over the Dumbarton Bridge at about noon, there were four or five Bonaparte's Gulls swirling almost like phalaropes in one of the ponds. Three of the gulls had a Common Goldeneye shadowing them. Were they working together as a foraging strategy? or just coincidence?
    Rich Ferrick
    Menlo Park
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