[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

Bob Richmond
Tue Jan 01 21:25:50 PST 2008
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    The following was seen today -
    Greater White-fronted Goose - 1 on the Radio Tower Hills.
    Snow Goose - 1 on the Radio Tower Hills.
    Ross Geese - 5 on the Radio Tower Hills.
    Cackling Geese - 112 both on and flying over the Radio Tower Hills. 1 of the 55 seen on the Radio Tower Hills had a blue neck collar, with white lettering that I could read with a scope - '16J', both on the front and back of the neck collar. Does anybody know where I can send this info to find out more about where it was banded.
    Eurasian Wigeon - 2 seen in Bockman Channel.
    Eurasian x American Wigeon - 1 seen in Bockman Channel.
    Long-tailed Duck - 1 seen in the bay from Hayward's Landing.
    Lesser Yellowlegs - 1 seen near San Lorenzo Creek.
    Tropical Kingbird - 1 seen near the usual place.
    Barn Swallow - 2 seen with 5 Tree Swallows over Ora Loma Marsh.
    Lapland Longspur - 1 seen in the usual place.
    Good Birding

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