[EBB Sightings] "The Deadly Toll of Wind Power", front page SF Chronicle, Jan. 2, 2008

[EBB Sightings] "The Deadly Toll of Wind Power", front page SF Chronicle, Jan. 2, 2008

debbie viess
Thu Jan 03 11:17:54 PST 2008
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    I sent the below message to BayAreaRaptors yesterday.
    It is even more pertinant to we EBBers, since
    Altamount and its wonderful raptor population falls
    well within our purvue. Watching and listing birds is
    all very well and good, but if we don't stand up and
    speak out for our feathered friends, we'll be watching
    them on video only. And that would be a sad world,
    Help to make 2008 a great year for all of our
    planetary residents, one person/bird/your favorite
    animal here at a time.
    Lend your voice, and make a difference.
    Debbie Viess
    Good news for raptor lovers.
    The front page of yesterday's SF Chronicle had a huge,
    bird-positive article on the ongoing problem of raptor
    killing windmills at the Altamont Pass. It
    specifically targets the inadequacy of the "deal"
    hammered out by the Alameda County Board of
    Supervisors last year (I was present at that final
    meeting, with the room packed with earnest raptor
    lovers and a multitude (two tables worth!) of Windfarm
    lawyers), and seems to be a real call to arms for the
    BA community, providing many links for more info as
    well as places to express your displeasure at the
    ongoing and unacceptable raptor kills. The numbers of
    birds killed that they list in the article seems way
    low to me; I would love to get access to some of
    Howard Cogswell's original data on bird deaths at
    Altamont; I will speak to a colleague who has access
    to his papers. 
    For those not in the Chronicle area, you can access
    the article by going here:
    http://www.sfgate. com/cgi-bin/ article.cgi?
    file=/c/a/ 2008/01/02/ MNITTM9FA. DTL
    This link will change over time. If the above link
    doesn't work, just go to www.sfgate.com and search for
    "The Deadly Toll of Wind Power".
    It is encouraging to see such a positive and forceful
    front page story on the first real news day of the New
    Year. May 2008 bring hope and positive change for all
    of us, feathered or not.
    Debbie Viess
    Oakland, CA 

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