[EBB Sightings] More from Coyote Hills and Don Edwards - Fremont

[EBB Sightings] More from Coyote Hills and Don Edwards - Fremont

Stephanie Floyd
Wed Jan 16 18:06:31 PST 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Common Merganser at Lake Merritt
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Snow Goose, Walnut Creek near Heather Farms

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    At noon today, workers were digging up earth with a
    small tractor near the BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER's
    preferred hillside at Coyote Hills RP, so the bird had
    moved away.  I found it by its wheezy "pwee"
    vocalizing just down from the parking lot on the No
    Name Trail, up a rocky hill from a "dogs on leash"
    sign. The bird let me take handheld photos from 15'
    away. (Caution: poor photo ahead.)
    The MERLIN was atop a pine on the top of the hill when
    I arrived, but one of the LOGGERHEAD SHRIKES was
    entertaining visitors in the parking lot.  It
    practically perched on my car.
    I saw two NORTHERN FLICKERS by the Dairy Glen picnic
    area.  The one that I saw well enough to photo was
    Most interesting birds otherwise were two LINCOLN's
    SPARROWs on the Apay Way sign, where the No Name trail
    meets the shoreline.  In the thicket at the junction
    of the Meadowlark Loop Trail, WESTERN MEADOWLARKS and
    SWIFTS were flying around over the hills. 
    The raptor show is mighty fine at Coyote Hills right
    now. At one point, in my scope I had a KESTREL,
    RED-TAILED HAWK, and NO. HARRIER, all claiming the
    same piece of hillside.  Later, I saw a similar mix
    not far from the visitor center, with the dark morph
    RTHA showing talons and flying in circles with another
    RTHA - a third RTHA was up there, too, so I could not
    tell if this was pair bonding or territorial dispute.
    Two TURKEY VULTURES flew in to see what all the
    excitement was about, and the third RTHA pursued a
    KESTREL just for good measure.
    I went on to Don Edwards NWR after 3:00, where I found
    one AMERICAN PIPIT in the lawn next to the parking lot
    under the fishing pier.  Many BONAPARTE's GULLS and
    two COMMON GOLDENEYE were in the biggest pond west of
    the pier.
    Completely off this topic, during my 3rd unsuccessful
    attempt at re-finding the wood duck at the Union City
    ponds on Monday, I took a photo of a pretty hybird
    domestic x Canada goose hanging out with its Canada
    goose flock.
    Stephanie Floyd
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