[EBB Sightings] Lincoln's sparrows at Lake Elizabeth - Fremont

[EBB Sightings] Lincoln's sparrows at Lake Elizabeth - Fremont

Stephanie Floyd
Tue Dec 11 18:07:39 PST 2007
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    In preparation for Sunday's CBC, I practiced counting
    for 2 1/2 hours this afternoon on a really hard
    subject: Lake Elizabeth in Fremont's Central Park
    (Paseo Padre at Stevenson).  I restricted my count to
    birds seen from the lakeside path and at New Marsh. By
    far the best birds were 2 Lincoln's sparrows on a
    fallen log just after you enter the tree area as you
    walk southwest on the lakeside path (just beyond the
    R/R tracks).  They both perched right out in the open
    for a long time, watching me watch them.  Also in the
    trees to the right of the path just beyond the R/R
    tracks: 1 hairy woodpecker, 1 Nuttall's woodpecker, 1
    male and 1 female common yellowthroat, and 4
    ruby-crowned kinglets, one of which had its red crown
    bristled up - what a great, brilliant view! I was
    amazed to see a tree swallow swirling over Bird
    Island. The rest of the list of 37 species follows.  I
    identified gulls, but didn't count them - I salute
    anyone who can do that.  About 400 gulls were on the
    lake this afternoon. 
    Canada goose 430 (plus 1 "funny" Canada goose)
    Mallard 147 (plus 2 Peking, 3 Muscovy, and 17 "funny"
    Northern shoveler 188
    Ruddy duck 132
    Pied-billed grebe 2
    Western grebe 1
    Double-crested cormorant 34
    Great egret 3
    Snowy egret 1
    Black-crowned night heron 8
    Turkey vulture 4
    White-tailed kite 1 (hunting over the golf course near
    the R/R tracks)
    Red-tailed hawk 2 (might have been the same bird in
    several places: over the library, flushing gulls on
    the lawn north of New Marsh, and perched in a tree on
    Bird Island)
    American kestrel 1
    American coot 635
    Ring-billed gull 
    California gull
    Glaucous-winged gull
    Rock pigeon 262 (mostly counted at roost under the
    dock at twilight)
    Anna's hummingbird 3
    Nuttall's woodpecker 1
    Hairy woodpecker 1
    Black phoebe 5
    American crow 26
    Tree swallow 1
    Chestnut-backed chickadee 1
    Bushtit 36 (roughly)
    Ruby-crowned kinglet 4
    American robin 1
    European starling 2
    Yellow-rumped warbler 10
    Common yellowthroat 2
    Lincoln's sparrow 2
    White-crowned sparrow 25
    Red-winged blackbird 2
    Brewer's blackbird 54
    House sparrow 2
    Stephanie Floyd
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