[EBB Sightings] Surf Scoters near Martinez (plus Long-tailed Duck, Barrow's Goldeneyes)

[EBB Sightings] Surf Scoters near Martinez (plus Long-tailed Duck, Barrow's Goldeneyes)

Kirk Swenson
Mon Dec 03 10:01:44 PST 2007
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    On Nov 23, 2007, at 4:41 PM, Denise Wight wrote:
    > I just wanted to pass on that I counted over 1,300
    > Surf Scoters off Martinez Shoreline Regional Park
    > yesterday morning at high tide.  This is a personal
    > Martinez high count for Surf Scoters for me, having
    > started birding out there in 1986.
    I, too, have been impressed with the numbers of Surf Scoters this  
    year, which seems dramatically higher than I have observed in eight  
    years of riding the train through the area. The higher densities  
    continue, with quite a bit of variability, to around the Carquinez  
    Bridge, after which they drop off to more normal numbers.
    > I looked for
    > Long-tailed Duck (seen here in the past) and
    > White-winged Scoter, but didn't see any.
    While I have yet to see a White-winged Scoter from the train, I saw  
    my first Long-tailed Duck of the season this morning in a dense mixed  
    flock of scaup and scoters about a half-mile to a mile west of the  
    regional park area. This area is west of the small train-yard  
    buildings at Ozol, past the pipeline pier, nearly to the next set of  
    dilapidated docks at the end of that stretch of shoreline. I don't  
    know much about the access issues to that part of the shoreline, but  
    there are frequently people fishing there, so it must be possible.
    > In addition
    > to a 1000+ scaup, there were a few Canvasbacks, Common
    > Goldeneyes, and Ruddy Ducks. I didn't see Tufted Duck
    > or Barrow's Goldeneye (which have also been here in
    > the past). Continued scoping of these rafts of ducks
    > might turn up something interesting.
    The Barrow's Goldeneyes have been in for a couple of weeks now, but  
    they've been hanging out further west than usual. Most years I see  
    them first around the aforementioned pipeline pier, but this year  
    they've been spending most of their time in the vicinity of the  
    aforementioned dilapidated dock. In previous years I've gotten up to  
    a count of 125-135, but so far this year I haven't seen more than  
    35-50. (Work obligations have kept me from attempting a complete  
    count on all but a few days, however.)
    Good birding,
    Kirk Swenson
    Davis <--> Emeryville

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