[EBB Sightings] [Fwd: [NBB] central bay hybrid merganse....

[EBB Sightings] [Fwd: [NBB] central bay hybrid merganse....

Hilary Powers
Sun Nov 18 09:47:02 PST 2007
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    Glen Tepke sent from the NBB list:
    > 1. apparent Hooded Merganser x Goldeneye hybrid at Lake Merritt in
    > Oakland (a bird discussed last year?)
    If it's the same bird (and how many could there be?), this is probably 
    its fifth year at the lake. (Or fourth, anyway; I'm a little hazy on 
    whether it was two or three years back that it was visible long enough 
    for lines of scopes to appear on the 12th Street bridge, and someone 
    posted a pic of an immature hybrid drake seen there the year before 
    that.) It'd be good to know where it was seen - probably up by 12th 
    Street where it's mostly been in the past, but it was around the islands 
    at least once.
    I walked out to the nature center and back to the Embarcadero yesterday 
    around noon, and the birds looked pretty good; more or less usual 
    numbers of scaup and more or less usual amount of grooming. But I saw 
    only one goldeneye and no bufflehead at all - hope that doesn't reflect 
    a pattern....
    - Hilary Powers - hilary at powersedit.com - Oakland CA -
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