[EBB Sightings] Martinez Regional Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Martinez Regional Shoreline

Hillary Heard
Tue Nov 13 10:06:00 PST 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Common Goleneyes
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] shorebirds and no oil

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    Took a walk around the Martinez Regional Shoreline this morning and saw no
    sign of any birds (or other critters) showing signs of distress from the oil
    spill. Nor was there any visible evidence that the oil had traveled this far
    east in the water. Walked out to the far end of the park along the railroad
    tracks and the large group of Scaup (Lesser Scaup I think), a few Ruddy
    Ducks and Western Grebes were just off the beach. I didn't see any birds on
    shore or any excessive preening in the flock so all looked well (for now at
    There was a lot of activity in the inner lake/lagoon with the Avocet's and
    Black Necked Stilts and many peeps (I'm bad at those). The ducks, mallards &
    coots mostly and Canadian geese were out and about as well, again no signs
    of oiled or distressed birds.
    Hillary Heard
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