[EBB Sightings] Oiled bird photos - Cosco Busan oil spll

[EBB Sightings] Oiled bird photos - Cosco Busan oil spll

Glen Tepke
Mon Nov 12 22:39:48 PST 2007
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    Warning: Graphic images of suffering birds ahead.
    On Sunday, November 11, I joined Tony Brake, Yvonne McHugh, Pat 
    Bacchetti, Sam and Elizabeth in a survey of oiled birds organized by 
    Golden Gate Audubon (http://www.goldengateaudubon.org/) in the wake of 
    the Cosco Busan oil spill in San Francisco Bay.  We covered the south 
    shore of Alameda, including Elsie Romer Wildlife Sanctuary, Crown 
    Memorial State Beach, Crab Cove Marine Reserve, and parts of the former 
    Alameda Naval Air Station.  We found about 60 oiled birds, including a 
    few covered nearly from head to toe:
    In addition to the species depicted, we saw oiled Horned Grebes, Great 
    Blue Heron, Dunlin, Least Sandpiper, Mew Gull and Western Gulls. The 
    birds appear to have been oiled elsewhere and then traveled to Alameda, 
    because we didn't see any oil on the beach or water. Either oil from the 
    spill didn't reach this area, or the booms that were strung across the 
    water worked to keep the oil out.
    The birds were reported to the Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN) via 
    San Francisco 311, and some may be rescued and rehabilitated, but most 
    will probably die from hypothermia (because oiled feathers lose their 
    waterproofing and insulating properties) or poisoning from ingesting oil 
    while attempting to preen their feathers.
    If you spot oiled birds in the Bay Area, report them to OWCN 
    (877-823-6926) or SF 311 (311 from San Francisco; 415-701-2311 from 
    outside San Francisco).
    Thanks to Tony Brake for the use of his photos of the Cosco Busan, and 
    to San Francisco for taking oiled bird reports on their 311 service and 
    relaying the information to OWCN.
    Glen Tepke
    Oakland, California, USA
    g.tepke (at) comcast (dot) net

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