[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh at this morning's high tide

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh at this morning's high tide

Bob Power
Fri Nov 23 15:44:23 PST 2007
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    Supplementing Bob's report, the Greater White-fronted
    Goose has a lame foot; either broken foot or leg. It
    is mobile. It flew several times, essentially saying
    "can't catch me" as another birder and I made a few
    feeble attempts at capture. While on land, it rests on
    its belly and eats from a lying down position, and
    when it needs to hops along on 1 leg. A gamer.
    At one time, there were 20+ Black Turnstones on the
    lawn adjacent to Doolittle Dr., opposite Arrowhead
    Marsh. Over the course of the 10-12 watch the
    shorebird numbers swelled into well over 1,000 on the
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA 
    > Hi EBBer's,
    > At this morning's high tide at Arrowhead Marsh there
    > were 5 Clapper Rails 
    > visible off the viewing pier and others heard.  As
    > the tide rose and 
    > vegetation disappeared the far end of the viewing
    > pier became the roosting 
    > area for hundreds of Willets, Marbled Godwits, and a
    > few Black Turnstones. 
    > The birders present kept a distance from the roost
    > and enjoyed the sight.  I 
    > checked the yellow Gum Plants for unusual sparrows,
    > but none found.  In the 
    > same plants, the combined Marsh Wrens, Common
    > Yellowthroats, Song Sparrows, 
    > Savannah Sparrows and Crowned Sparrows added up to
    > well over one hundred.
    > Across the channel to the west a Greater
    > White-fronted Goose was with a 
    > Canada Goose flock foraging on the lawn.  A Eurasian
    > Wigeon was in the 
    > mitigation marsh on the drive into the main
    > Arrowhead Marsh parking lot.
    > Good birding,
    > Bob Battagin
    > Oakland, CA 
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