[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh at this morning's high tide

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh at this morning's high tide

Bob Battagin
Fri Nov 23 14:16:02 PST 2007
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    Hi EBBer's,
    At this morning's high tide at Arrowhead Marsh there were 5 Clapper Rails 
    visible off the viewing pier and others heard.  As the tide rose and 
    vegetation disappeared the far end of the viewing pier became the roosting 
    area for hundreds of Willets, Marbled Godwits, and a few Black Turnstones. 
    The birders present kept a distance from the roost and enjoyed the sight.  I 
    checked the yellow Gum Plants for unusual sparrows, but none found.  In the 
    same plants, the combined Marsh Wrens, Common Yellowthroats, Song Sparrows, 
    Savannah Sparrows and Crowned Sparrows added up to well over one hundred.
    Across the channel to the west a Greater White-fronted Goose was with a 
    Canada Goose flock foraging on the lawn.  A Eurasian Wigeon was in the 
    mitigation marsh on the drive into the main Arrowhead Marsh parking lot.
    Good birding,
    Bob Battagin
    Oakland, CA 

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