[EBB Sightings] this mornings walk at Jewel Lake

[EBB Sightings] this mornings walk at Jewel Lake

Phila Rogers
Fri Oct 05 16:18:52 PDT 2007
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    Dear Birding Friends:
    This morning was the regularly-scheduled first-Friday-of-the-month GGAS
    walk at Jewel Lake.
    It couldn't have been a finer morning -- partly because of the
    enthusiastic, good-natured group of 24 birders, a cool morning that
    warmed quickly, and the presence of birder-extraordinaire, Dave Quady,
    who not only identified many of the birds but provided enriching
    information.  And to top it off, Alan Kaplan who had the nerve to
    retire as head-naturalist from the park a couple of years ago, was with
    us (how else would we have known the meaning of all that shredded bark
    on a small oak? (answer: a deer rubbing its antlers).
    It was wonderful welcoming back so many of our winter residents:  Seen
    and/or heard: Northern Flicker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush,
    Yellow-rumped Warbler, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Fox Sparrow, and the
    lovely Lincoln Sparrow identified by Dave. We also had glimpses of
    perhaps the last of the migrating Yellow Warblers. But nary a
    Golden-crowned or White-crowned Sparrow (abundant now most places). 
    Still to arrive: the Varied Thrush
    Altogether we saw or heard 24 species with one in doubt -- was that a
    Red-shouldered Hawk or a Stellar's Jay up to its old tricks?
    Phila Rogers.
    Good News!  Dave Quady is willing to be our leader when he's around. 
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