[EBB Sightings] acorns and jays

[EBB Sightings] acorns and jays

Phila Rogers
Thu Oct 04 15:37:54 PDT 2007
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    Dear Birders:
    Bob Battigan mentions in his sighting today that every Scrub Jay was
    carrying an acorn.  My large live oak has produced a prodigious crop of
    acorns this year inducing a frenzy among the local Scrub Jay
    At first I thought the jays might be mobbing a raptor, but instead they
    were harvesting acorns while warning off all contenders.  The racket
    has been incessant.  And at night raccoons rumble across the roof under
    an overhanging limb, sometimes dropping onto the roof bringing me
    The local Steller's Jays who hang out in the conifers across the street
    don't seem to participate in this annual orgy.
    I've read fascinating articles about the symbiotic relationship in the
    High Sierra between the white-barked pines and the harvesters of their
    nuts -- the Clark's Nutcracker.  They have effectively spread the pines
    across the mountain slopes while providing themselves with storehouses
    of nutritious food for the the winter, exhibiting a remarkable memory
    for where they buried their caches.
    I'm not sure about our local jays.  In this land of plenty, winter
    survival doesn't require the same level of recall. 
    My oak, brought as a seedling from the Monterey Peninsula 50 years ago
    is the progenitor of oaks big and small on my hill thanks to the Shrub
    Jays with some help from the fox squirrels.  If it weren't for the
    planted exotics, this grassy hillside would now be an oak savanna. 
    What a lovely thought!  
    Phila Rogers
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