[EBB Sightings] Grant Ave. Shorebirds

[EBB Sightings] Grant Ave. Shorebirds

Bob Power
Sun Sep 09 20:01:36 PDT 2007
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    Hi all:
    Thanks to Bob Richmond's postings and Dave Quady's
    addendums/confirmations, there was a southward push of
    birders between Grant Avenue and Frank's Dump today.  
    Dolores Butkus, having just completed Bob Lewis's
    shorebird class, instantly picked our a PECTORAL
    SANDPIPER from the muddy islands of the sub-station
    pond.*  Brenda Bailey, not having attended Bob's
    class, settled for spotting two IBIS (ibises; asked
    later which species I thought these were, I said: the
    pretty species). Three LESSER YELLOWLEGS were there as
    At Frank's Dump* I had 6 RUDDY TURNSTONES, 1 BLACK
    abundance of more common shorebirds.  
    On the return trip to Grant Ave, there was a juvenile
    BRANDT'S CORMORANT in the bay, and Emily Serkin picked
    out a BAIRD'S SANDPIPER back at the sub-station pond.
    Park District staff reported a SOLITARY SANDPIPER in
    the channel that runs east west from the Winton Ave.
    Staging area.  I can  neither confirm nor deny these
    I'd heard that Coyote Hills was "dry", but I was
    unprepared for how dry it is.  All shorebirds, ducks
    and white pelicans are concentrated 1/2-mile northeast
    of headquarters beyond the big hill that dominates the
    eastern marshlands.  The eastern marshlands are
    completely dry. Completely.  Evidently they had been
    maintained as a wetland via a water pump that broke
    late last year.  Decisions have been made to allow
    this part fo the park to return to a more natural
    If you're counting on these ponds for Common Moorhen,
    you'd best come up with a plan B.  An OLIVE-SIDED
    FLYCATCHER and a western flycatcher were in the snags
    above headquarters.
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA
    *"This area is reached from Grant Ave. From the EBRPD
    parking area, a 
    paved trail goes north to San Lorenzo Creek and turns
    west along the 
    creek to the bay. The trail then turns to gravel as it
    goes to the 
    south. On your left is a pond that had 10 Lesser
    Yellowlegs a few days 
    ago (a Ruff wintered here in the late 1980's). After
    that on your left 
    is Ora Loma Sewage Treatment Plant. The trail then
    goes over a foot 
    bridge that crosses Bockman Channel. The pond the
    Stilt Sandpiper was 
    in is just to the south of Bockman Channel. These
    ponds are private 
    property, but fortunately it was in the pond closest
    to the public 
    trail. The other ponds may be dry."
    *Frank's Dump is most easily reached via the Winton
    Ave. staging area. Drive to the west end of Winton off
    of Hwy.880 in Hayward. Walk due west to the bay. Turn
    north and follow the bay trail for approx. .5 miles. 
    The depressed wetland w/islands and dry crusty areas
    on your right is "Frank's Dump".

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