[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline 8/29 and 8/30

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline 8/29 and 8/30

Bob Richmond
Thu Aug 30 23:09:21 PDT 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Warbling Vireo
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    Seen the last 2 days at the shoreline -
    Frank's Dump West
       Black-bellied Plover
       Semipalmated Plover - 350 estimated on 8/30
       Snowy Plover - several seen on both days.
       Black-necked Stilt
       American Avocet
       Greater Yellowlegs - 1 to 2
       Wandering Tattler - 1 seen on 8/30 on the bay side of the trail, on the rocks.
       Long-billed Curlew
       Marbled Godwit - including a bird with a white head and neck, seen both days. The rest 
          of the body was like a normal godwit, except for a few white feathers in the back.
          The base to the bill was bright pink, but the distal 1/3 or so was blackish.
       Ruddy Turnstone
       Black Turnstone
       Surfbird - 2 or 3 seen each day.
       Red Knot
       Sanderling - 12 to 18 seen each day.
       Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1 seen on 8/29 from the south side.
       Western Sandpiper
       Least Sandpiper
       Dowitcher sp. - probably mostly or all Short-billed.
       Red-necked Phalarope
    Winton Ave.
       Nuttall's Woodpecker - 1 seen on 8/29
       Willow Flycatcher - 1 seen on 8/29. Only the tenth one I have seen here in August.
       Pacific-slope Flycatcher - 1 seen on 8/29.
       Yellow-warbler - 4 or 5 seen both days.
    Good birding

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