[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

Bob Richmond
Wed Aug 22 00:30:05 PDT 2007
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    I was at Frank's Dump West during both the AM high tide and the PM high tide. At 9:12 AM the high tide was only 5.45', while at 6:55 PM the high tide was 7.23'. The AM high tide not only did not cover the mudflats in Ora Loma Marsh, It did not cover some of the mudflats at the mouth of San Lorenzo Creek. Most of the shorebirds were here and not at Frank's Dump West.
    Frank's Dump West
       Black-bellied Plover
       Semipalmated Plover - 300 estimated
       Snowy Plover - 1
       Black-necked Stilt
       American Avocet
       Whimbrel - 1 AM only
       Long-billed Curlew
       Marbled Godwit
       Ruddy Turnstone - 7
       Red Knot - PM only
       Sanderling - 2
       Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1 juv. - PM only
       Western Sandpiper
       Least Sanpiper
       Dunlin - 1 AM only
       Dowitcher sp.
       Red-necked Phalarope - 2
    Other shorebirds seen today
       Greater Yellowlegs - 45
       Lesser Yellowlegs - 2
       Black Turnstone - 13
    Other birds seen today
       Elegant Tern - 1 at Frank's Dump West
       Bank Swallow - 1 over Frank's Dump West
       Canvasback - 1 female in Ora Loma Marsh summered here.
    Good Birding

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