[EBB Sightings] FW: Eastshore Park sightings

[EBB Sightings] FW: Eastshore Park sightings

Bruce Mast
Sun Aug 12 21:07:03 PDT 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Eastshore State Park birds
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    Forwarded on behalf of Robert Coon.
    Bruce Mast
    Oakland, CA
    From: ccoon.wildwood5 at att.net [mailto:ccoon.wildwood5 at att.net] 
    Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 6:48 PM
    To: observe at goldengateaudubon.org
    Subject: Eastshore Park sightings
    Aug 11? --? high tide around noon?? Eastshore Park? Pt Isabel
    1 Black Skimmer on ?shore? across from dilapidated pier;? 3 Black-Necked
    Stilts there, also???? Everything pretty much ?hunkered down? because of
    wind.? Probably a few Caspian Terns, also.
    7 White Pelicans flew over going south
    At the ?back end? of Meeker Slough just before it turns left, a juvenile Red
    Necked Phalarope was feeding in the ?side slough / puddle? nearest path.??
    It will probably be hard to find? --? we did not see it again when we walked
    back by about 5 minutes later. 
    About 15 Semipalmated Plovers were in the ?basins? east of pier / trail
    which had some water because of the high tide.
    Wed Aug 8?? Eastshore Park? --? Albany Bulb? --? foot of Buchanan St
    10:30 AM? --? 1 Black Skimmer skimming in ?bay?
    4 ? 5 PM? Many shore birds? --? Semipalmated Plovers (10), Black-Bellied
    Plovers (40), Greater Yellowlegs (8), Black-Necked Stilts (8) as well as
    Marbled Godwits, dowitchers, Western and Least Sandpipers, Willets, Long
    Billed Curlews and a couple Whimbrels 
    High tide or close to it seems to give the best chance of finding a Black
    Skimmer in the area.
    Robert Coon

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