[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

Bob Richmond
Sun Jun 17 22:37:44 PDT 2007
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    After doing my HEP and GUTE monitoring for SFBBO the following was seen-
    Coopers Hawk - 4 at Winton Ave. The bird reported as a juvenile is a sub-adult (1 year old). In the nest 1 and sometimes 2 nestlings could be seen. They are mostly down covered with a few feathers coming in. They are probably 2 1/2 to 3 weeks old.
    Shorebirds at Frank's Dump West - 
       Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1 adult in breeding plumage. Was with 
          Semipalmated Plovers, Western & Least Sanpipers, and the Dunlin 
          on the north side of the pond. Seen from the trail along the 
          south side of Sulfur Creek. I was there about 2 hours before high 
          tide. The high tide today was at around 4:15 PM.
       Black-bellied Plover - 225 (est.) mostly in winter plumage.
       Semipalmated Plover - 85 (est.)
       Black-necked Stilt
       American Avocet
       Greater Yellowlegs - 1
       Long-billed Curlew - 6
       Marbled Godwit - 2
       Ruddy Turnstone - 5
       Red Knot - 4 in winter plumage.
       Sanderling - 1 in winter plumage.
       Western Sandpiper - 40 (est.) most were in breeding plumage.
       Least Sandpiper - 2 in breeding plumage.
       Dowitcher sp.
       Several Least Terns were in the area.
    Good Birding

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