[EBB Sightings] GGAS field trip to Point Pinole

[EBB Sightings] GGAS field trip to Point Pinole

Robert Lewis
Sat Apr 21 17:56:08 PDT 2007
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    This morning 12 of us participated in a GGAS field trip to Point Pinole,
    under overcast skies.  The tide was a ways out, so shorebirds were
    difficult, but there were hundreds feeding along the water's edge.  Notable
    was an immature Bald Eagle zooming over the Bayfront Trail.  The lack of sun
    was compensated for by the bright orange of Allen's Hummingbirds and
    Bullock's Orioles.  The list follows; * were seen by the leader only before
    the trip started:
    2 Canada Goose
    2 Mallard
    200 Greater Scaup
    2 Common Goldeneye
    1 Clark's Grebe
    5 Double-crested Cormorant
    1 Great Egret
    4 Snowy Egret
    1 White-tailed Kite
    1 Bald Eagle (imm)
    1* Red-shouldered Hawk
    2 Red-tailed Hawk
    30 Black-bellied Plover
    10 Semi-palmated Plover
    50 Willet
    30 Marbled Godwit
    2* Black Turnstone
    300 Western Sandpiper
    1+ Least Sandpiper
    200 Dunlin
    50 dowitcher sp.
    2 Ring-billed Gull
    15 Western Gull
    4 Caspian Tern
    10 Band-tailed Pigeon
    4 Mourning Dove
    3 Anna's Hummingbird
    2 Allen's Hummingbird
    3 Black Phoebe
    6 Western Kingbird
    1* Western Scrub-Jay
    1 American Crow
    1 Tree Swallow
    4 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    2 Bushtit
    1 Hermit Thrush
    2 American Robin
    2* Northern Mockingbird
    4 European Starling
    50 Cedar Waxwing
    1 Yellow-rumped Warbler
    2 California Towhee
    2 Song Sparrow
    3 White-crowned Sparrow
    4 Golden-crowned Sparrow
    2 Dark-eyed Junco
    15 Red-winged Blackbird
    5 Bullock's Oriole
    20 House Finch
    2 American Goldfinch
    Bob Lewis
    Berkeley, CA
    RLewis0727 at aol.com

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