[EBB Sightings] April 15, 2007-Antioch Dunes NWR

[EBB Sightings] April 15, 2007-Antioch Dunes NWR

kathy jarrett
Mon Apr 16 11:36:26 PDT 2007
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    Antioch Dunes NWR, April 15, 2007. 
    Thanks to John Bradley of FWS  The Oakland Bird Club had a very
    interesting and informative trip to the Antioch Dunes NWR. John gave us
    a short talk about the habitat and history of this unit of the NWR
    system, focusing on the Lange?s Metalmark Butterfly and its host plant,
    a subspecies of Naked-stemmed Buckwheat, and also the Antioch-Dunes
    Evening Primrose and the Contra Costa Wallflower. The butterfly and the
    three plants are all endangered. Volunteers have been planting out
    buckwheat and wallflowers from plants raised in a nursery area, and
    have been trying to clear out vetch and other weeds which smother these
    native plants which are part of the butterfly?s native habitat. Workers
    have been clearing brush and making fire breaks to reduce the chance of
    fires. Many butterfly larvae maturing on buckwheat leaves have been
    killed in wildfires that have occurred over the years. The property is
    now fenced to keep people from entering the area except on trips led by
    the NWR staff and volunteers. The Stamm and Sardis units are separated
    by a PGE property and PGE has worked to preserve habitat also.
    The day was sunny but windy and cool. Many N Mockingbirds and four
    species of swallows were seen, and we could see a colony of Great
    Egrets and Great Blue Herons nesting in the trees across the San
    Joaquin River. During our walks through both units we saw some 32
    species of birds, the Antioch Dunes Evening Primrose, California Poppy,
    Bush Lupine and Contra Costa Wallflower in bloom, and the Naked-stemmed
    Take Highway 4 and exit A Street / Lone Tree Way. Turn North onto A
    Street. Turn right (East) onto Wilbur Avenue. Turn left (North) onto
    Fulton Shipyard Road. Cross over the railroad tracks and turn right
    into the second gravel driveway. The refuge is on your right. Although
    the refuge is closed to the general public, docent-led tours are
    offered on the second Saturday of each month at 10 am. Educational
    tours are available upon request. 
    E-mail: sfbaynwrc at fws.gov    
    Phone Number: 510-521-9624
    Birds seen:
    Western Grebe
    Double-crested Cormorant 
    Great Blue Heron
    Great Egret
    Turkey Vulture
    White-tailed Kite
    Northern Harrier
    Red-tailed Hawk
    American Kestrel
    Western Gull
    Forster's Tern
    Rock Pigeon
    Mourning Dove
    Anna's Hummingbird
    Belted Kingfisher
    Western Kingbird
    Tree Swallow
    N. Rough-winged Swallow
    Cliff Swallow
    Barn Swallow
    Western Scrub-Jay
    American Crow
    Northern Mockingbird
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    California Towhee
    Golden-crowned Sparrow
    White-crowned Sparrow
    House Finch
    American Goldfinch
    kathy jarrett
    kathy_jarrett at yahoo.com
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