[EBB Sightings] Mountain Plover, Northern Shrike, Short-eared Owl

[EBB Sightings] Mountain Plover, Northern Shrike, Short-eared Owl

Pamela Llewellyn
Tue Feb 06 08:40:13 PST 2007
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    Finally sending this out after figuring out how to
    switch from HTML to text.
    Saturday, Feb. 27.
    Bruce Mast and I went on a day long road trip to find
    rare and special birds with a fair amount of success.
    Following is a recap of the highlights.
    Solano County:
    Northern Shrike (juvinile) found on Cook Lane, just
    off of Hastings.  Further south on Cook we had a great
    look at an adult Ferruginous Hawk, perched.  Then at
    the Jepson Prarie Preserve we watched while a Great
    Horned Owl was being harrassed by a pair of Ravens.
    This went on for some time before the owl fled to a
    grove of Eucaliptus for cover.
    Then over to Robinson Road where we found a large
    flock (approx. 114) of Mountain Plover.  They were
    midway in the second east-west stretch of Robinson
    heading east from Hwy 113, approx. 150 north from the
    edge of the road.  If we hadn't of flushed them as we
    approached we may not have seen them, as they were
    very cryptic in the surrounding grass.
    The Burrowing Owl was found further south/east at the
    corner of Flanery and Robinson.
    We had a great look at a female Rough-legged Hawk as
    we made our way south back on 113.  She was perched
    facing east so that we could observe her back and tail
    plumage, she then did a little hop and turned to face
    us, balancing herself by extending her wings to show
    her carpal patches.  Quit a show.
    San Joaquin County:
    At Stanton Island we had the usual suspects, Snow
    Geese, thousands of Greater White-fronted geese,
    Cackling geese, Whooping Crane, Tundra Swan, one
    Ross's goose, etc.
    Further down the road at the water tower was another
    Great Horned Owl tucked inside of the tank.
    Back to Walnut Grove Road and over to the Woodbridge
    Road preserve we found a lone Eurasian Widgeon.
    Contra Costa County:
    Last but not least over to the Byron airport where we
    watched three Short-eared Owls foraging along with
    Harriers, and Kites hovering above.
    A Barn owl sighting on the way home made it a four owl
    Other raptors included Redtail, two Ferruginous,
    Rough-legged, White-tailed Kite, Northern Harrier,
    Kestral and a probable Prarie Falcon (it was distant
    with bad lighting so id is not positive).

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