[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

Bob Richmond
Sun Feb 04 22:57:09 PST 2007
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    Not caring who won the super bowl, I spent almost all day at the Hayward Shoreline and saw the following - 
    Winton Ave. -
       Barn Owl - 1, found by another birder.
       Varied Thrush - 1, present all winter.
       Orange-crowned Warbler -1
    Mt. Trashmore -
       Greater White-fronted Goose - 6
       Snow Goose - 3
       Ross Goose - 2
    Hayward's Landing -
       Long-tailed Duck - 1, seen on the bay
    Radio Tower Hills - 
       Cackling Goose - 78, 3 of the race 'minima', 35 of the race 'leucopareia', 
           the rest were unidentified to sub-species.
       Short-eared Owl - 1
    Ora Loma Marsh
       Eurasian Wigeon - 1 male, 4 present last week.
       Cooper's Hawk - 2, 1 adult male, 1 immature female
       Short-eared Owl - 1.
       Chipping Sparrow - 1, near the RR Tracks on the east side.
    San Lorenzo Creek -
       Merlin - 2.
       White-throated Sparrow - 1, near the RR Tracks.
    Hayward Marsh -
       Merlin - 1.
       Lesser Yellowlegs - 1.
    Good Birding

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