[EBB Sightings] Miscellaneous sightings

[EBB Sightings] Miscellaneous sightings

Alan Howe
Wed Jan 17 18:02:43 PST 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal- Green Heron
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Sunol Regional Park

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    Hi, all.
      I was surprised to find a Townsend's warbler hopping
    on the lawn on the south side of the Oakland Library's
    main branch this afternoon.
      Also, this comes a bit late, but here are my
    sightings on Monday at the Shoreline from the north
    end of Edgewater down to the freshwater ponds south of
    Arrowhead Marsh. It was low tide and I didn't see much
    of anything in the marsh itself. Here they are in the
    order seen:
    Northern pintail
    American wigeon (lots)
    Black-necked stilt
    Northern shoveler
    Cinnamon teal (1)
    Ruddy duck
    Least sandpiper
    Yellow-rumped warbler (Audubon's)
    Scaup--both varieties, I think
    Horned grebe
    Common goldeneye
    Black turnstone (quite a few quite close on the      
    rocks below the trail on the east side of the bay)
    Brown pelican
    Lesser (?) yellowlegs 
    White-crowned sparrow,
    Golden-crowned sparrow
    Anna's hummingbird
    Snowy egret
    European starling
    Western meadowlark
    Red-tailed hawk
    Black phoebe
    Canada goose
    Cackling goose
    Great blue heron
    Great egret
    Surf Scoter
    Western grebe
    Double-crested cormorant
    Ring-billed gull (other gulls, too)
    Marbled godwit
    Various other peeps of various sizes.
      And to be really late, last Friday at Lake Merrit
    some of the notables seen were:
    Red-breasted sapsucker (across the drive from the
    Garden Center, towards the bandstand)
    Canada goose hybrid? near the geodesic dome cage
    Ring-necked duck
    Lesser scaup
    Great scaup (?)
    plus all the usual suspects, including the apparently
    resident white pelican.
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
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