[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal- Green Heron

[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal- Green Heron

Wed Jan 17 15:04:24 PST 2007
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    Some one was looking for a place to see and photograph a GREEN HERON. I just 
    happened to stop by Lake Temescal today from about 1:00 to 2:00 and was 
    privileged to watch a beautiful GH for almost the full hour. I spooked it 
    out of the reeds along the West side of the lake, and it flew to the North 
    end and perched on a log waiting for lunch to swim along. It was in 
    magnificent light had I had my camera with me, it would have made for a 
    wonderful shot.
    It must have been a heron holiday as there was also a GREAT BLUE and a 
    BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON in the reeds along the East side of the lake. 
    There was a SNOWY EGRET there as well. Along with the GREAT EGRET I saw at 
    the 238/ 580 inter-change in Castro Valley on my way into Oakland, I can 
    check off practically the whole family in one day.
    Others of some note
    Hutton's Vireo
    Hermit Thrush
    Ruddy Duck
    American Coot
    Double Breasted Cormorant
    Black Phoebe
    Good Birding
    frano33 at comcast.net

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