[EBB Sightings] Yellow-bellied Sapsucker continues in Concord

[EBB Sightings] Yellow-bellied Sapsucker continues in Concord

Laura Look
Tue Dec 19 17:30:18 PST 2006
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    This morning (Tues, Dec 19), the male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER continued at 
    Newhall Community Park in Concord.
    After twice missing the sapsucker that wintered here last year, I spent 
    over an hour and a half this morning sapsucker-hunting.  I walked down past 
    the second duck pond, checking out various trees with sapsucker holes.  I 
    had set a time limit of 12:30 when I had to leave.  At 12:45, I returned to 
    my car and was packing up my binoculars, when I looked up to see the 
    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker about 10 feet from my car foraging (probably for 
    insects) in the oaks near the parking lot.  (This is the parking lot at the 
    end of Newhall Parkway.)  I haven't had a bird play this trick on me for a 
    while, so I guess I was due.  I had good long looks once I retrieved by 
    binos.  Although the white on the wing is not prominent on this bird, the 
    bright red throat is unmistakable.  He was last seen flying off downstream 
    towards the area where he's usually been seen.
    Best of the rest included:
    Green Heron
    Cooper's Hawk
    Belted Kingfisher
    Nuttall's Woodpecker
    Lincoln's Sparrow
    Fox Sparrow
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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