[EBB Sightings] Tilden's Native Plant Garden

[EBB Sightings] Tilden's Native Plant Garden

John H Maurer
Mon Dec 18 19:01:42 PST 2006
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    We go to the native plant garden in Tilden fairly regularly. We don't 
    often see a great number of species in any visit, but we do see birds 
    there that we rarely (or never) have seen anywhere else. In the past we 
    have seen band tailed pigeons, phainopeplas, golden eagles, blue grey 
    gnatcatchers, pileated woodpecker, downey woodpecker, black headed 
    grosbeaks and brown creepers there, in addition to the regulars 
    suspects: black phoebes, stellars jays, scrub jays, California brown 
    towhees, and (seasonally) golden crowned sparrows.
    Today, we saw
    Hermit thrushes
    Bewick's wren
    spotted towhee
    golden crowned sparrows
    ruby crowned kinglet (either three birds or the same bird in three
    	different places)
    Another birder who was there saw a varied thrush

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