[EBB Sightings] Lawrence's Goldfinch- Wildcat Canyon

[EBB Sightings] Lawrence's Goldfinch- Wildcat Canyon

Alan Krakauer
Sat Nov 18 14:14:49 PST 2006
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    Had a nice walk along the fire road in Wildcat Canyon Regional Park  
    (Richmond, Contra Costa County) this morning.  It was a great day  
    with lots of activity, but the highlight was a male Lawrence's  
    Goldfinch singing.  It was just down off the trail in the 'city'  
    direction, past the access path to the top of Park Avenue.  I'm  
    pretty sure this is the first time I've seen a Lawrence's this far  
    west in the county.
        Other treats were a covey of at least 8 California Quail, many  
    fox sparrows, nice looks at several raptor species (red tailed hawk,  
    white-tailed kite, a sharpie and TV's.  red-shoulder also heard)  
    hanging out before the day got warmer. Other birds include Band- 
    tailed pigeon, both the usual towhees, both kinglets, cedar waxwings  
    and robins in the pyracantha (sp?), several purple finches (absent  
    from our feeder for a while now), singing wrentits, many golden- 
    crowned sparrows, bewick's wren, several flocks of bushtits, flicker,  
    anna's hummingbirds, morning dove, both jays, chestnut-backed  
    chickadee, red-breasted nuthatch, townsend's and yellow-rumped  
    warbler, and probably a few other species I'm forgetting.
       Back at home, we were treated to an (unsuccessful) Sharpie attack  
    on our feeder, about 15 feet in front of our faces, while we were  
    enjoying lunch outside in the sunshine.
    Good birding!
    Alan H. Krakauer, PhD
    Postdoctoral Research Associate
    Patricelli Lab
    Section of Evolution and Ecology
    University of California
    One Shields Avenue
    2320 Storer Hall
    Davis, CA 95616
    Office: 530-754-7837
    Fax: 530-752-1449
    ahkrakauer at ucdavis.edu

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