[EBB Sightings] Sign up: Oakland CBC Dec 17, San Francisco CBC Dec 28

[EBB Sightings] Sign up: Oakland CBC Dec 17, San Francisco CBC Dec 28

Dave Quady
Thu Nov 09 13:29:55 PST 2006
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    Hello, Bay Area Birders (with apologies for cross-posting):
    Golden Gate Audubon Society sponsors two Christmas Bird Counts:
    	Oakland -- Sunday, December 17
    	San Francisco -- Thursday, December 28
    Invitations were mailed on Tuesday to everyone who participated in  
    either count in recent years (except to those who already signed up  
    online for one of the counts--thanks to all who did so!).  If you  
    participated recently but haven't received your invitation yet it  
    should arrive any day now.
    This note invites new participants to join the counts.  You'll have a  
    chance to sample the bird life in an area that fits your interests and  
    abilities, under the leadership of an experienced birder.  At the end  
    of the day you can attend the "count dinner," to learn what birds  
    others have found, and where.  A rarity or two usually turns up;  
    learning of them on the day of discovery can help you see them, too.
    It's easiest for you, and for the compilers, if you sign up online.  Go  
    and follow the links to sign up for either count, and to download  
    sign-up forms for the count dinners.  Early sign-ups pay a reduced  
    price for dinner.
    However, if you prefer, you can call Golden Gate Audubon Society at  
    510-843-2222 to request sign-up forms and/or dinner reservation forms  
    for either count.  Act soon -- sign-up deadlines are November 26 for  
    the Oakland CBC and December 7 for the San Francisco CBC.
    For further information, contact one of the compilers:
    San Francisco -- Alan Hopkins, ash at sfo.com, 415-664-0983
                                -- Dan Murphy, murphsf at comcast.net,  
    Oakland -- Bob Lewis, rlewis0727 at aol.com, 510-845-5001
                      -- Dave Quady, davequady at att.net, 510-704-9353
    Hope to see you at the counts!
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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