[EBB Sightings] Shadow Cliffs 12 Oct

[EBB Sightings] Shadow Cliffs 12 Oct

Fri Oct 13 10:34:49 PDT 2006
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    Hi all,
    I decided to bike over to Shadow Cliffs park in between Pleasanton and
    LIvermore during lunch yesterday.  I had noticed a large flock of
    waterbirds when I drove by on Weds and wanted to check them out.
    They were mostly AMERICAN COOT.  I estimated around 200 from the path
    above, but when I sat down on the beach to do a count I ended up with 366!
     I likely missed a few, with all the diving and moving around, but I
    figure this is accurate to within 5-10 percent.
    Also present were around the main picnic/swimming beach:
    Pied-billed Grebe - 6
    Western/Clark's Grebe - 2  The black apperared to extend below the eye, so
    I'm assuming
    Western, at least if they are still in summer plumage.
    Forster's Tern - 16 in winter plumage, most with very short tails
    (probably molting)
    Ring-billed Gull - 1
    Turkey Vulture - 13 on the beach and on tables
    Canada Goose - didn't bother counting, but around 75-100 on the lawn
    Also 13 TURKEYS were present in the 15 foot or so wide strip of greenery
    between bustling Stanley Blvd and the quarry fence, looking a bit
    concerned.  They were still there when I biked back.
    good birding,
    Jaan Lepson

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