[EBB Sightings] Vasco Caves

[EBB Sightings] Vasco Caves

Clark Peterson
Fri Oct 06 12:37:05 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] VASCO CAVES R.P. TOUR
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    Thanks to David Diller for his report on Vasco Caves. I phoned the East
    Bay Parks number and got the following information.
    The last tours of 2006 are scheduled for the following dates:
    Oct. 15, 21, 22, 28, 29. That will be all until spring 2007.
    They need at least 15 people or the tour is canceled. 22 is max. There
    is room for one more person on Oct. 15 (from Brushy Peak). The other
    tours begin at Round Valley. Oct. 21 has 7 signups so far. Oct. 22 has
    1. Oct. 28 has 3 and Oct. 29 has 0.  So it appears all these tours will
    be canceled unless there is some quick interest. Cost is $32. You can
    reserve space on your credit card. 
    The phone # is (510) 636-1684.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com
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    sightings-request at diabloaudubon.com
    Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 11:00 AM
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: Sightings Digest, Vol 8, Issue 6
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    Today's Topics:
       1. VASCO CAVES R.P. TOUR (David E.Diller)
    Message: 1
    Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 11:05:11 -0700 (PDT)
    From: "David E.Diller" 
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] VASCO CAVES R.P. TOUR
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Message-ID: <20061005180511.5375.qmail at web52605.mail.yahoo.com>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
    Yesterday I was one of 12 particapants(only 3 birders among them) on a
    EBRPD naturalist-guided tour(2 mile walk) of Vasco Caves Reg Preserve
    between 0830-1330. This is a spectacular reserve with beautiful rock
    formations, ancient pictographs, and excellent raptor viewing. I would
    recommend signing up for one of their guided walks which is the only way
    one can visit. The following list includes a half hour of birding at the
    nearby Round Valley Reg Preserve trailhead/parking lot as well as a
    brief stop at the Marsh Creek Res overlook(when this area opens it
    should be superb, lots of riparian and wetland habitat) 
      Canada Geese
      Pied-b Grebe
      Great Egret
      T. V.
      Red-t. Hawk
      GOLDEN EAGLE-repeated views of an immature at Vasco, soaring and later
    on the ground
      A. Kestrel-dive bombing the Red-tails
      PRAIRIE FALCON- wonderful eyelevel views of a pair flying around the
    Fairy Shrimp 
       Tanks(you will find out about these rock formations on the tour) They
    nest in the area
      N. Harrier
      Common Moorhen - counted 21! at Marsh Creek Res, but not a single coot
    was visible
      Black-necked Stilt
      Greater Yellowlegs
      Semipalmated Plover
      Least sandpiper
      Rock Pigeon
      Mourning Dove
      BARN OWL - 1 flushed at the rocks
      White-throated Swift- they buzzed by at eye level at the Tank Rocks
      N. Flicker
      'Western' Flycatcher
      Say's Phoebe
      Black Phoebe
      Loggerhead Shrike
      Western Scrub-Jay
      A Crow
      C Raven (a pair nests at Vasco)
      Barn Swallow
      Oak Titmouse
      Bewick's Wren
      ROCK WREN- counted 8, they were easy to find at Vasco
      Western Bluebird
      A. Robin
      PHAINOPEPLA - 2 seen at Round Valley
      Yellow-rumped Warbler
      Calif. Towhee
      Lark Sparrow
      Savannah Sparrow
      VESPER SPARROW- great scope views, near the spring at Vasco
      Golden-crowned Sparrow
      White-crowned Sparrow
      Brewer's Blackbird
      Western Meadowlark
      House Finch
      Lesser Goldfinch
      David Diller
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    End of Sightings Digest, Vol 8, Issue 6

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