David E.Diller
Thu Oct 05 13:13:58 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Red-breasted Sapsucker
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Vasco Caves

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    Yesterday I was one of 12 particapants(only 3 birders among them) on a EBRPD naturalist-guided tour(2 mile walk) of Vasco Caves Reg Preserve between 0830-1330. This is a spectacular reserve with beautiful rock formations, ancient pictographs, and excellent raptor viewing. I would recommend signing up for one of their guided walks which is the only way one can visit. The following list includes a half hour of birding at the nearby Round Valley Reg Preserve trailhead/parking lot as well as a brief stop at the Marsh Creek Res overlook(when this area opens it should be superb, lots of riparian and wetland habitat) 
      Canada Geese
      Pied-b Grebe
      Great Egret
      T. V.
      Red-t. Hawk
      GOLDEN EAGLE-repeated views of an immature at Vasco, soaring and later on the ground
      A. Kestrel-dive bombing the Red-tails
      PRAIRIE FALCON- wonderful eyelevel views of a pair flying around the Fairy Shrimp 
       Tanks(you will find out about these rock formations on the tour) They nest in the area
      N. Harrier
      Common Moorhen - counted 21! at Marsh Creek Res, but not a single coot was visible
      Black-necked Stilt
      Greater Yellowlegs
      Semipalmated Plover
      Least sandpiper
      Rock Pigeon
      Mourning Dove
      BARN OWL - 1 flushed at the rocks
      White-throated Swift- they buzzed by at eye level at the Tank Rocks
      N. Flicker
      'Western' Flycatcher
      Say's Phoebe
      Black Phoebe
      Loggerhead Shrike
      Western Scrub-Jay
      A Crow
      C Raven (a pair nests at Vasco)
      Barn Swallow
      Oak Titmouse
      Bewick's Wren
      ROCK WREN- counted 8, they were easy to find at Vasco
      Western Bluebird
      A. Robin
      PHAINOPEPLA - 2 seen at Round Valley
      Yellow-rumped Warbler
      Calif. Towhee
      Lark Sparrow
      Savannah Sparrow
      VESPER SPARROW- great scope views, near the spring at Vasco
      Golden-crowned Sparrow
      White-crowned Sparrow
      Brewer's Blackbird
      Western Meadowlark
      House Finch
      Lesser Goldfinch
      David Diller
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