[EBB Sightings] pine siskins in Montclair

[EBB Sightings] pine siskins in Montclair

Susan Russell
Sun Jun 11 15:59:14 PDT 2006
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    Yes, believe it or not I have seen pine siskins at my feeder!    
    Several days ago I saw what I thought was a p.s. but was skeptical  
    since my sighting was brief and this is not the time of year to see  
    these unpredictable birds in this area.  Then one hit our window a  
    few days ago while I was not home but my non-birding husband  
    identified it as a siskin from the picture in the Sibley guide.  The  
    bird did fly away.  Then this afternoon I saw 2 at my kitchen window  
    feeder.  I only had about 4 sightings all winter/spring this year in  
    my yard.  Wonder where these 2 came from?
    Arrowhead Dr. 

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