[EBB Sightings] Briones Larks and Lions

[EBB Sightings] Briones Larks and Lions

Ted Robertson
Mon May 29 16:12:48 PDT 2006
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    This Memorial morning (May 29), from 7:30 to 10:15 A.M., I hiked the western portion of the 
    Briones Crest trail and spotted Grasshopper Sparrows, Lark Sparrow, Horned Larks and a Mountian 
    I started my journy from the west end of Briones at the Oak Grove picnic area. I headed west on 
    the paved road (spotting Warbling Vireo and Or.-cr. Warbler in the riparian).  I started on the 
    Briones Crest Trail, checking the cattle pond to the west(Barn and Violet-green Swallows)  before 
    I started my ascent on the Crest Trail.  After about 1/2 mile, I heard several W. Mdw. Larks (and 
    spotted a few) and heard about 4 Grasshopper Sparrows.  At the last crest, about 1/4 mile south of 
    the Santos Trail, I finally got a long look at a Grasshopper Sparrow perched on some thistle 
    through my scope.  A hundred feet further, I scopped a Lark Sparrow on a post marking a dead end 
    service road.  As I descended the trail, I stopped about 300 yards south before the Santos Tr. 
    junction and scoped a pair of Horned Larks foraging on the dirt road at a location above a cattle 
    pond located directly under high power lines.  Five minutes later, at 9:10 A.M., I heard some 
    Killdeers making a loud chatter.  That is when I spotted with my binocs, a nearby Mountain Lion 
    slowing walking west. After about 15 seconds, he disappeared into a gully covered with Calif. 
    Buckeye trees.  This gully was just below the cattle pond.
    I then left the Crest Trail and descended the Santos trail where I spotted a Gopher Snake and two 
    Ash-throated Flycatchers on the level portion of the trail.  I returned via the Abrigo Valley 
    Trail, listening to the Bl.-headed Grosbeaks, and spotting a variety of common birds including 
    Rufous Hummer, Nuttall's Woodpecker and Western Bluebird.
    The Briones Crest Trail is several miles long and circles most of Briones Park.  I believe I was 
    hiking a section that did not contain the Blue Grosbeak reported earlier.
    Good birding (and Mtn. Lioning) to all,
    Ted Robertson

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