[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon and Mt. Diablo, Sunday April 23

[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon and Mt. Diablo, Sunday April 23

Jennifer Rycenga
Mon Apr 24 08:05:29 PDT 2006
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    A joyous group of 16 birders enjoyed a birdy day, despite overcast
    conditions, at Mitchell Canyon and Rock City in Mt. Diablo on Sunday.
    Highlights included
    WILLOW FLYCATCHER (1, see description below)
    HERMIT WARBLER (1, in a very active group of migrants about 300 yards up the
    trail in Mitchell Canyon)
    SWAINSON'S THRUSH (very early, but definitively identified by numerous
    observers - at least 2, likely 3 individual migrants, not singing)
    OSPREY (1 flew over us at about 2,000 feet elevation in Rock City)
    A few more descriptive notes.  There were many, many VIREOS and EMPIDOMAX
    FLYCATCHERS around!  I don't think we were ever out of earshot of one of the
    three VIREO species while in Mitchell Canyon - we counted at least seven
    HUTTON'S, four CASSIN'S and six WARBLING VIREOS there.  Likewise, there
    seemed to be at least one puzzling Empidomax flycatcher everytime we
    stopped.  We had two HAMMOND'S, one PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER calling, and at
    least eight more that we could not identify to species.  The WILLOW
    FLYCATCHER, though, was a huge surprise.  Here is my description: a thin
    empidomax, with only the thinnest of eye rings (imperceptible without
    binoculars), dull wingbars, flicking its tail up and giving a "wit" call.
    Its geez was small headed and elongated, eliminating Hammond's or Pac-slope.
    I know this is a very early, and out-of-range, sighting, but the conclusion
    seemed inescapable given the evidence.
    The grove that housed the HERMIT WARBLER and the first of our SWAINSON'S
    THRUSH also had a single TOWNSEND'S WARBLER, numerous WILSON'S and
    see any MacGillivray's or Nashville through the day.  WILSON'S and
    ORANGE-CROWNED were common in the canyon.
    Other unusual sightings included a pair of NUTTALL'S WOODPECKERS who chased
    each other around the trees at the start of the trail, seemingly
    incessently: they were doing this when we started out at 8:30, and were
    still at it when we returned four hours later!  We had a pair of
    ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHERS near the beginning of the trail, too.  No unusual
    hummingbirds - just numerous ANNA'S and a few fly-by SELASPHOROUS.
    Rock City was not very birdy in the afternoon, but still beautiful.  We
    enjoyed the OSPREY, and saw a very high-flying NORTHERN HARRIER that may
    have been a migrant bird.  Three WHITE-THROATED SWIFTS hawked insects
    overhead.  We had two close encounters with COYOTES (may have been the same
    animal, since both we saw appeared to be nursing females).
    Overall, we had 55 species at Mitchell Canyon, and 64 for the day.
    This trip was the first-ever meeting of Bay Area members of the Gay and
    Lesbian Birders of North America.  If you are interested in joining this
    group (we are planning future trips to Pt. Reyes, Santa Cruz, and other Bay
    Area spots), send me an email, and/or visit the website of the group's
    national email list at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gaybirding .  Members
    range from beginning birders to professional ornithologists, across all
    ages, with a good gender balance.  Hope to hear from some of you!
    Jennifer Rycenga
    Half Moon Bay, CA
    gyrrlfalcon at earthlink.net

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