[EBB Sightings] sparrow ID help

[EBB Sightings] sparrow ID help

Fri Mar 03 17:59:04 PST 2006
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    Last couple of weeks, a mystery sparrow has been visiting our backyard
    every couple of days.  My wife and I can't seem to make a definitive
    ID, so I'm typing in our notes on it and have a link to some (rather
    dodgy) pics.  (Unfortunately my digital camera only zooms to 135mm, so
    the pics are a LONG ways from spectacular, but hopefully they'll be
    adequate for ID purposes.)
    A. Size and shape: much smaller and slimmer than the White-crowned,
    Golden-crowned, and House sparrows that predominate in our yard.
    B. Overal color: lighter gray and lighter tan than the White-crowned
    sparrows -- it is a pale to light gray and buff.
    C. Tail: long and noticeably notched.
    D. Facial markings:
    whitish sub-moustachial stripe, bordered with a grey-black line below.
    gray neck collar (nearly entirely circling the neck).
    indistinct gray crown stripe, flecked with dark lines, bordered by a
    brown/tan stripe on either side.  The brown stripes also are flecked,
    somewhat heavily.
    Gray supercillium, rather indistinct towards the front.
    Eye line stops at the eye (i.e., post-occular only).  No prominent eye
    ring, though a faint one -may- be there on the lower half of the eye.
    Bill is two toned: horn colored on top and orange on bottom.  Legs pinkish.
    Clear grayish breast, but with faint buffy tinge just in front of the
    wings (i.e., where the breast turns into the sides).
    Faint gray wing bars.
    Rump was brown or buffy, with some streaking.
    URL: http://photobucket.com/albums/f389/clapperrail/  ... see the
    three "mystery_sparrow" photos.
    Thanks for any and all help with this one!  My wife and I are still
    rather much "newbies" and this one is stumping us!
    Paula and Kevin L.

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