[EBB Sightings] Palm Warbler continues in Oakland.

[EBB Sightings] Palm Warbler continues in Oakland.

Dave Quady
Tue Dec 13 15:21:02 PST 2005
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    The Palm Warbler that Denise Wight and others found on Saturday morning 
    continues at the end of Fifth AVENUE in west Oakland.
    Jean Richmond and friends arrived at about 9:00 am, and they and I 
    remained until about 10:45 am, with other birders coming and going in 
    the interim.  The Palm Warbler first appeared shortly after 10:00 am, 
    was observed off and on for about 10 minutes, then did not reappear 
    again by the time we left.  It seemed to arrive from across the open 
    field on the south side of Fifth Avenue, then flew into the front yard 
    of the last house on that street (which is opposite a large mailbox on 
    which remnants of the letters that used to spell "10 FIFTH AVE" can 
    still be found).  There it worked the leafless tree that Denise 
    described, the tomato plant in front of the house, the small redwood 
    there, and other spots in the yard.  Other nearby attractions for 
    warblers (a Yellow-rump was present also) include deciduous trees 
    further back on Fifth Ave and weeds that line the field opposite the 
    house, in addition to the leafless tree further up the alley behind 
    Fifth Ave that Kay Loughman described.
    Good luck to others who look for this bird . . . . and please post to 
    EBB if you find it.  We hope it will persist, and will be found during 
    the Oakland Christmas Bird Count on Sunday Dec 18 . . . . any other 
    time during count week (this Thursday through next Wednesday) would be 
    good, too.
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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