[EBB Sightings] GGAS Arrowhead Marsh Bicycle Trip, Saturday, Dec 3, 2005

[EBB Sightings] GGAS Arrowhead Marsh Bicycle Trip, Saturday, Dec 3, 2005

kathy jarrett
Sun Dec 04 22:56:00 PST 2005
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    GGAS Arrowhead Marsh Bicycle Trip, Saturday, Dec 3, 2005
    >From the bridge between Alameda and Bay Farm Island we biked down the
    trail of Shoreline Park in Alameda and saw lots of Surf Scoters and
    Eared Grebes in the channel, and then we rode back up the trail and
    around to Doolittle Pond to see the tide rushing in and a Cooper's Hawk
    on the fence. It was cool and windy but thankfully sunny. We made a
    short stop at the Doolittle Staging area on busy Doolittle Drive, where
    we saw lots of Canada Geese on the lawn. Finally at Arrowhead, we found
    that the seasonal wetlands already have some water but not too many
    birds yet, although we found six Greater Yellowlegs in one group. Over
    the marsh a Northern Harrier was very actively searching for prey, and
    a Great Egret was hunting. The Clapper Rails raised the alarm when the
    Harrier swooped over. Fortunately we observed no hunting success, but
    finally managed to see a clever Clapper hiding under the viewing
    platform which juts into the marsh. After that we called it a day and
    rode the SF Bay Trail all the way to High St. Bridge and even found
    some W. Meadowlarks. It was a lovely 9-mile trip. 
    Birds seen (48): 
    Pied-billed Grebe
    Horned Grebe
    Eared Grebe
    Clark's Grebe
    Double-crested Cormorant
    Great Blue Heron
    Great Egret
    Snowy Egret
    Canada Goose
    Northern Pintail
    American Wigeon
    Greater Scaup
    Surf Scoter
    Common Goldeneye
    Ruddy Duck
    Turkey Vulture
    Northern Harrier
    Cooper's Hawk
    Red-tailed Hawk
    Clapper Rail
    American Coot
    Black-necked Stilt
    Greater Yellowlegs
    Ring-billed Gull
    Western Gull
    Rock Dove (I)
    Mourning Dove
    Anna's Hummingbird
    Belted Kingfisher
    Black Phoebe
    American Crow
    Marsh Wren
    European Starling (I)
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    Common Yellowthroat
    California Towhee
    Savannah Sparrow
    Song Sparrow
    White-crowned Sparrow
    Red-winged Blackbird
    Western Meadowlark
    House Finch
    American Goldfinch
    House Sparrow (I)
    kathy jarrett
    kathy_jarrett at yahoo.com
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