[EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck / Lake Merritt continues

[EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck / Lake Merritt continues

Bob Power
Fri Nov 25 16:31:07 PST 2005
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    Hi all:
    The drake Tufted Duck continues at the east end of
    Lake Merritt. The bird was seen well this afternoon.
    As noted by Jean Richmond, the tuft is on the short
    side and lays neatly across the crown unless the bird
    is actively foraging. In nice afternoon light, the
    purple head of the Tufted Duck stood out in contrast
    to the deep-green of the Greater Scaup.  And finding a
    scaup-like bird w/a black back mixed in with the
    gray=backed scaup is probably key to the whole search.
    Aquatic Park in Berkeley had 2 Forster's Terns
    actively foraging, 2 female Barrow's Goldeneye, and
    Bufflemania 2005 w/ 50-odd Bufflehead engaged in a
    feeding frenzy.  No sign of the Tufted Duck in that
    area, nor the annual Hooded Mergansers, not the whole
    16 Black-throated Gray Warbler. But I'll keep trying.
    Good birding,
    "No birds sang the whole time we were up there. I didn't see a thing.  I still dream about that trip though." Ted Parker, Northern Peru. 1978
    From: A Parrot Without A Name. Don Stap. Knopf, 1990
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA
    Alameda County

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