[EBB Sightings] Thonton Ave nr Dumbarton Bridge

[EBB Sightings] Thonton Ave nr Dumbarton Bridge

Tue Nov 22 10:12:07 PST 2005
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    Just a little north of the entrance to the Don Edwards
    park is a little pond that I checked out for the first
    I don't think I've been by there for decades when way
    back when I used to bike from Albany down to the GM
    plant and back in the late 60's and 70's when this was
    ALL farmland...
    3 black-necked stilts
    a dozen mallards. 
    black tailed gnatcatcher (I think)
    1 rude interruption by colleague who needed to get
    into our work area....so much for my half day.
    There were other birds but no time to id them.  One
    was totally unfamiliar to me and I need to look it up
    later today.
    Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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